Monday, January 25, 2010

iam happiest when i..........

just yesterday i went to register for a dance class. i had been contemplating it for a long time. With marriage and a new business, i wasnt what you will call exactly "free"; but by now i had settled down enough (both in marriage and business) to finally be able to take out time to do what i love doing- DANCE!
while registering, my instructor had a friendly little interview about me and my dance.
he asked about my previous experience with dance. though not trained thoruoghly,whenever somebody questions about my dance i find this question very uneasy. its as if somebody has asked me why i want to exist. to me, dance is something as fundamental as breathing. but i guess i needed to do a little explanation to my new instructor anyway. so i told him about my indian classical dancing lessons in kolkatta, my salsa club and performing arts classes in mumbai and my own passion for choreography.
when he got the point, that i was serious about my love for dance; he told me to fill up a little form. everything was easy, except the last bit. there was a line that i had to complete. it read " I want to dance because................."
Writing mundane stuff like, i love to dance or its fun or i am passionate about it was sounding too restricted to express my sea of passion about dance and choreography. i waited a minute before penning down anything. agreed that my life did not depend on this fill-in-the-blank, but i felt i owed it to dance to write an honest answer; something that came from deep within my gut and heart! and finally, i finished the line- i want to dance because......
having written that, i felt content. i knew i had managed the mammoth task of filling my passion about dance into one line. and i felt good about it.

but all the way back home, i felt that this is something that most of us dont ask ourselves as much as we should-

"when are we the happiest?"
the answer could be as silly as "iam happiest when i see my dog wag his tail"; but knowing the answer to this question is extremely important.
coz knowing the answer to this question is the the first step towards "Pursuit of HappYness." isnt it?


  1. The reasons why one is happy changes at different stages of life. You may even be happy because your children can dance while you cannot - as in my case!
    Good Start to your blog!

  2. hahahaha.....i just love your wit dad!

  3. woow!.. i will think of 'what makes me happiest'... but surely these little moments of truth when u realize how lucky you are to have known the people closest to you.. by chance!.. makes me love my life.. all over again! :)) .. thanks lahar, for being thre!.. and way to go!

  4. hey babe...
    a beautiful start to another way of self expression... it's nice to know that your passion for one art can bring out the best in other forms as well... keep writing...

    its a wonderful way to cleanse yourself


  5. may b "living life in d auto mode" means that living it ur own way, or does it mean living it d way people and circumsatnces around make u live it?

  6. @shark- i agree about how lil moments should be most precious. and obviously these lil moments with u guys are as precious to me...beyond how much u can imagine
    @pats- i totally agree with the cleansing part. is a best way to cleanse!we think alike darling
    @kanchan- u hit bulls eye! its about how mechanical our life is and how we dont stop and think about lil imp things like "Wat makes us happy?" and then crib that we are not happy!
